Derecho Weather Consulting is the manifestation of over 15 years of private weather consulting by Dr. Chris Hennon. Chris earned his Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautics-Mathematics at Miami University in 1994. After studying tropical Pacific climate conditions at Purdue University (M.S., 1996), Chris worked for two years as a software engineer for TASC, Inc. near Boston, MA before returning to school to study tropical cyclone formation at Ohio State University. Dr. Hennon received his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science in 2003.
After graduation, Chris was a awarded a post-doctoral fellowship and then Visiting Scientist position by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). Based at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, FL, Dr. Hennon conducted applied research to assist operational forecasters. He entered academia in 2005, first with the University of North Carolina Asheville (2005-2022) and presently with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ. During his entire professional career, Dr. Hennon worked on many meteorological consulting projects with attorneys, consulting firms, private companies, and government organizations.